Testing some functions from my mobile phone
Playing with softrock
Have proceeded with my softrock Ensemble tranceiver. So far I have finished the steps involving the receiver. And I’m amazed. What a great little piece of equipment. Have spent a couple of weekends now just playing around with receiver part and HDSDR as software. Can receive from 80m up to 10. Its a joy having it all on the screen and adjusting filters by just clicking and drag with the mouse. You get a great visibility of signal quality on the stations you are listening to.
Have inserted a screenshot of HDSRD on 40m at the moment
Here is a pic of the rig. Still missing the part for the transmitter.
Listening to a JA station on 40m as I write this.
If you like using your soldering iron and you like computers you just have to try this one….
Tonights work
First night in a long time I had some time to spend with the softrock. Finished 3 toroids and studied how to make the transformer. Ballpen just there for size reference.
It´s working!!!!!!
USB controller and oscillator working. What a feeling. Had some issues first but that was a problem with the USB hub. Now it connects. And whats even better. I can hear the oscillator in the other rigs. And I can tune the frequency and hear it changing.
Now I can go to bed and sleep well.
USB power built
So…. I have soldered my first surface mounted stuff. Im not happy but I managed to do it. with some difficulties. But now the USB power supply is built and measured and values are as expected. Now moving on to the local oscillator part.
Result of the evening
Did the first soldering on the softrock last night. So far so good (i think) But trouble ahead. Now i have to solder a tiny tiny smd voltage regulator. Have never dealed with smd or such small components before. Have watched videos but still not sure how I will manage to do it.
Pic of result last night. Its one of the power supplies. I have also started on the USB power supply but as said before, next component is the smd. Must gather some courage.
New project coming up
SM7RRF and me have ordered some new toys from USA. Its an nice litle softrock kit. 1w SDR tranciever for 30/20/17m. RRF was here tonight and delivered my kit. So soldering iron will he heated in a few minutes. Just a bit worried about soldering surfce mounted.
Will post pics along the project.
Have had the soldering iron running today. First time for months. Had to burn the dust of it. Have built the indoor unit for a antenna remote switch. Converted an old data switch for com-ports. It can handle up to six antennas in current config, but can easily be extended. Also added green LEDs to show witch antenna is connected at the moment.
More pics from the DX-pedition to Öland
Here is a link to some more pics from the trip to Öland yesterday.
The antenna we used was a home made 2 el beam,´They call these Jungle job. The elements are made from fishing poles and then a wire is taped to them. normal lengt for a 1/2 wave element. I think we ended up with each element being 5,15m or something like that. Boom was made from a fiberglass pole and extended with a fishing pole, Reflector was cut 3% longer than driven element. The reflector was bent forward towards the driven in a V-shape. We had good f/b and side rejection even if we did no job whatsoever to optimize.
Evening picture
Evening picture from the portable operation. Worked some euopeans and some dx and enjoying the scenery.